Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 2: Solafina, the Adventure Seeker

And now we shall leave Hiemleck and his extraordinary life for the time being. For you see, we must introduce you to Solafina, who was destined to meet Hiemleck. Solafina, like Hiemleck, lived on Smaller, Not-Quite-As-Big-Star star. But she was born in the little village of Eeeep. She was born a practical princess. From the moment she entered existence, she had everything should could ever wish for. Spoiled Solafina never had to eat gualupace like all the other little children, but rather was given things like spelaforp and nomfuliky. As a teenager, she was given not only one cat, but two named Finley and Cook. Although Solafina was blessed beyond belief, she resented it. She hated the way other people looked at her in jealous contempt. She yearned to be totally normal and to have to eat qualupace each and every day; a tiny bit of her even wished she'd never been born. 

One afternoon, as she was talking to Finley and Cook (as they were her only friends) she devised a plan. She would set out across Smaller, Not-Quite-As-Big-Star star to find her destiny. The thought of adventure please her quite well so she immediately set her plan in action.

    That afternoon during her scheduled manicure appointment, she left. She left behind the stuff. She left behind the resentment. She left behind the jealous looks. She left behind everything she ever knew. She traveled her way across the star to the Township of Bork. Here she was offered a job by the mayor's wife as a borker. A borker's job was to mingle throughout the town laughing, making jokes, and cheering up the citizens. As first, Solafina found this very hard. All her life she was the one that people tried to make laugh. But, she remembered how much she hated her past life so she determined to do her very best. In time, she found she was quite gifted at being a borker. Everyone would call to her in the street and run to give her a hug. Her life was filled with merriment and laughter.

     One evening after an exhaustingly awesome day of work she sat reading her newspaper. It was the newspaper of Smaller, Not-Quite-As-Big-Star. Her eye fell upon a small wanted add. It read "Wanted: A Borker from the Township of Bork. Please come to the Epic Village of Bob to receive further instructions." Solafina was intrigued. She felt the call of adventure once again but was hesitant to leave all her friends. The very next day she impulsively quit her job and left for the Epic Village of Bob. People called her crazy and many laughed but the curiosity got to her. When she arrived, a very especially ordinary man met her.

(To be continued)

Credit: Ellen K. S.

1 comment:

  1. Did she leave her cats too?!? They were her only friends!!! :(
